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Friday, September 23, 2022

Energy Vampires And Makeup

Idol Lips Like the Celebrities

Why are you still needing to see who I am and why it is a must to do good lips? I am the only one. There is nobody around me or you. Please click the link above and you will know. 

If a person likes you too much, that is an energy vampire. Please get your spirituality light up and recognize why it has to say it so badly in front of you. You are the only one. And your lips and your makeup are the things or the items that he sees the most especially the light. Your beauty control system.

Once he sees it he will only relate to you. You are to get him help if you are the one. If you don't recognize what I am speaking, then only you get the product for your lips so you can understand what he is saying more.

He wants to take something from you and you're Plumping your lips is the only way for him to hear.

Once he takes it, you will know it because it doesn't always work the same. But if you are the same person, nothing is happening to you personally. It's only happening to the one that knows the most.

It's like a tattletale or a messy Sissy. He doesn't want anything around you the most but he does want you to be good for you. The item that he wants the most is your product out of your purse. But he isn't a person that wears lips he just talks the game.

And it's not a woman that takes out of purses, it's just a serpent like creature that likes to creep and crawl and slither.

Just place them on the other side and remember not to give him a kiss because he'll be in your face the most.

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