Friday, September 23, 2022

Spirit Health - Difference Btwn Lies and Door Entry Talk Guy - for Correction Spine and Ventricular Route Circulation

Difference between lies and the one who's at the door because he has a talk that he does and people know.

We'll call that the do-guy. Anyway, he's always the one talking and has to get it to where things are for the moments.

Lies come from the front. They don't linger. They are very capable of growth but we don't hinder ourselves on them or transition with it. So it's a different type of way and it isn't as fear or scary as we think. Meaning, it's not of God or his light.

The do-guy is the only one that knows what is going on and his light is the one. However, we don't hold doors nor do we talk for long periods of time. The do-guy is not a lie. His fast talking and rhythm is the same as an ordinary conversationalist or person. We just don't open or close doors for people technically. 

The ventricular asymmetry at any location of our juncture is to let out the bad air from the left. Our feet wouldn't be able to do that and we can talk.

If you're trying to assimilate which one is a lie, it's always the one that starts off around the door but doesn't linger. You wouldn't be able to follow it because there's no Trace either like light. But that's that same location that you would be able to talk and have light to grow it at a rate of the same asymmetrical units that Linger on those sides. So we're not really speaking about a person but we are speaking about a reference that likes to do around those areas and his mouth is going on it.

He doesn't really talk to the one at the door either because he knows it's the door and what light is when he's talking and trying to get back out into it.

The do-guy stains the area and he tries to get another door to do.

Your Higher Side can only speak to lie because it doesn't stain and because it stings so bad in reference to your empathic ways or your feelings, and other things because it is lie - you can always follow it back and forth because yours is able to grow high.

Not so much the do-guy because of the stains and what the references are at Joy. Light knows better and the do-guy says I'll stay right here which is fine. Something has to give to growth and it's only light that sees there is a lie and action area.

Which one is bad? Lie. Light is the only action that can maintain at an action area of preset. Meaning, he can be called a friend at the moment but light knows that he is light in a minute anyway. The do-guy is a bad guy but he's doing good at the moment that you see him. It may be forever that he does that location or what he is or he's just a do-guy. That's the issue but only at the rate that lie is countercepted and now we see that Light is okay and light has seen the area. So it's like an examination and everything is okay now do-guy has a place now people are saying it's a person but literally they're saying it about lie. So they're like cross angles at regards that we never seen ourselves before but we can say that we countercepted an area but not until after light. But light is the only one that can say any of it.

So if you know that the do-guy has a talk then he's okay and nothing is bothering anything.

The mingling or talk is Lie never Light - or Me. The real person. The Do-guy is me but at a distance. The person you speak to. Lie isn't a person. 

Do-guy . The apparition Light can control and doesn't give him heart issues. Lie . The rid or rit. 

The un-oxygenated area involves lie but he's talking and people think it's a person. They only think that at the location of door. Do-guy. 

One is short and the other is real. Nobody can withstand a lie and nobody can take at the real longer than a minute or so.

No Lie has ever held us but can behold you for a moment. Light is only and every way about us and each and every cell of our body is function our Light of God or any way that shines.

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